Asia's Biggest & oldest Tiger Waghdoh died
People claims - Waghdoh was killed in Tadoba's Junona Region by some young Tiger in a territorial fight.
Villagers staying in Sinala (a village in Tadoba) found the carcass of the big tiger on the afternoon of 23 rd of May 2022. On reaching the spot with forest staff, they learned that - Dead body is of Biggest Tiger: Waghdoh.
Several wounds have been found on the body.
Expert claims- King suffered deadly injuries in the territorial fight against a young Tiger cub living in the Junona region for claiming the area, which ultimately led to the death.
People are also claiming - Tiger died of old age.
News media and Whatsapp portray death as Natural.
Other young males challenged the tiger for territorial dominance regularly. Since he was much older, and could not withstand the strength of younger males, his territory kept shrinking. Sadly & ultimately, he died.
The actual reason for the death will be known only after the postmortem report.
Click here to know latest update after postmortem report
Video: Wagdoh Carcass
Who is Waghdoh?
Waghdoh (T38) was the legendary male tiger of Tadoba National Park - the largest Tiger Reserve in Maharashtra.
It won the title of the "Asia's biggest Tiger".
He was also known by the name - "Scarface". Since he was the heaviest tiger, locals lovingly called him - 'The Hulk'.
His original name 'Waghdoh' was kept after the area he used to live in his youth. His weight was more 400 kgs.
Waghdoh was the father of many offspring, approximately 40+ in the count. Therefore he was also known as "Big Daddy of Tadoba".
The average age of a Tiger is usually 8 to 12 years old however, Waghdoh lived for nearly 18 to 20 years.
He had multiple partners and he loved every partner and their child. He was considered the Family Man. He used to spend a lot of time with family. He was considered "very lazy" as he often relishes the hunt brought by females for the cubs, but is known to be protective. He used to guard his females and cubs against other males and was also seen playing with little ones before 2015. Well, he was one Tiger who would not just mate but come back and spend time with kids even if the kids are from multiple mothers! He never showed any partiality between his children from different mothers.
The tiger was regularly challenged by other young males for territorial dominance. Since he was much older, and could not withstand the strength of younger males, his territory kept shrinking.
In his old days, Waghdoh kept losing his kingdom to younger tigers. Due to weakness, he gets defeated and finally had to gave up his territory.
Since 2021, he was staying in Junona Jungle near the Junona village. Because of old age and weakness, he was unable to hunt in the wild. He was caught many times hunting the farm cattle from the villages.
In his last 15-20 days, his movement was tracked in-camera near Durgapur Open Cast Coal Mine (a few km away from Chandrapur city). He seemed too weak and dull. An old shepherd aged 65 years was killed on 21st May by some wild animal in that area. Locals assumed that Man was killed by Waghdoh.
Love Story of Madhuri and Waghdoh
Between 2004 and 2010, "Yeda Anna" (T34) - The Former King of Tadoba was the prime territorial male tiger of the Moharli range in TATR.
Madhuri was the prime partner of Yeda Anna. In 2010, Madhuri delivered her first litter of 3 cubs with Yeda Anna.
By the end of 2010, Waghdoh defeated 'Yeda Anna' in a territorial fight, and Anna was driven out of his territory.
Waghdoh then killed all 3 cubs and became the sovereign ruler.
In 2011, Madhuri delivered her second litter of 4 cubs sired by Waghdoh. This litter was popularly known as the Telia Sisters - Sonam, Lara, Geeta, and Mona. Once the Telia gang reached to sub adulthood stage, Madhuri was ousted by her daughter Sonam (T-30).
Madhuri eventually left the Moharli range and settled at Devada Buffer Zone. Her lover Wagdoh could not bear the separation from her beloved and he too came to the Buffer Zone.
After being pushed into the Buffer zone, Madhuri delivered her third litter of 4 cubs again sired by Waghdoh in 2014.
Waghdoh, Madhuri, and their cubs used to spend a lot of time together.
Usually, the male tiger after mate doesn't care about the tigress much. But Waghdoh was different.
The love story of Madhuri and Waghdoh is no less than any Bollywood Love Story.
In 2016, Tiger named 'Khali' entered the territory and defeated Waghdoh, and pushed him out of his territory. Here end the love story of Waghdoh and Madhuri. Later Khali mated with Madhuri and she gave birth to the fourth litter of 4 cubs.
Photos of Waghdoh

Why Waghdoh is known as Scarface?
In his youth, he faced injury and his right eye was severely hurt. It seems he couldn't open his right eye fully.
Experts say - the injury made him partially blind.
The injury left a permanent scary mark on his face. That scary look makes him scarier and more dangerous.
Cause of Injury?
The cause of injury is still unknown.
Some claims - he was injured while fighting with another tiger in a territorial fight, while some claim - he got injured while hunting the wild gaur (Indian Bison).
Disappointed the Wildlife Lover!
Wildlife Lovers expressed their deep condolences. People of Chandrapur and Wildlife lovers are not willing to accept - "Big Daddy (King) of Tadoba is no more".
Waghdoh was a legend who dominated Tadoba, Buffer, and territorial forest undisputedly during most of his life.
Update after Postmortem Report (updated on 25th May 22)
The 3 veterinarians who conducted the postmortem concluded,
"The tiger died 2 days ago (21st May) and internal organs have been decomposed to a high extent. Starvation and Weakness might be the primary reasons for the death. Some minor injury marks have been found on the body, but it can't be the reason for death."
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